Introduction of JavaScript

What is javascript ?

JavaScript is the programming language of the Web.

JavaScript is used to program a website.

Why we learn javascript ?

JavaScript is used to program a website.

Javascript is used to add behaviour to any web page.

To interact with java script world we use .

Also Write javascript for server.

Along with that using Javascript, HTML and CSS .you can create an Application .

Animation can also create Using javascript.

JavaScript has six datatype

//number 21

//String: "Hello World"

//Boolean true false

//undefined undefined

//null null

//object {username: "John" , age:32}

Boolean: We can apply an operator known as not operator it converts true into false and false into true. It also known as flip operator (i) that flips the value true into false or false into true.

Primitive : It can contain only one value they can't contain a collection of value. Example: number, string, boolean, undefined, null

Non-Primitive: It can contain multiple value. Example: object - {username: "John" , age:32}